Richards, K. A. R., Levesque-Bristol, C., & Zissimopoulous, A., & Wang, C.


Manuscript submitted for publication.

The integrative model for learning and motivation examines the influence of the learning climate on students’ basic psychological needs satisfaction, motivation, and learning processes, including perceived knowledge transfer. This investigation sought to evaluate the tenets of the integrative model that link the classroom climate, basic psychological needs satisfaction, and self-regulated motivation to perceived knowledge transfer. Participants included 4,385 students (2,183 females, 2,200 males, 2 other) enrolled in courses at a large state university in the US Midwest. The students completed a cross-sectional survey, and data were analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. Results indicate that the data were a good fit for the model, χ2(181) = 5068.14, p < .001, RMSEA = .07, SRMR = .04, NNFI = .94, CFI = .95. Developing a student-centered learning environment is integral to enhancing student motivation and perceptions of knowledge transfer through the satisfaction of basic psychological needs.

Keywords:  student motivation, higher education, learning climate, basic psychological needs, structural equation modeling