4 The HLA Welcome Back Bash was a success despite the rain ending it earlier than planned. Undergraduate students enjoyed the taco bar, cornhole, the photo booth, and bingo (with prizes!). Thank you to Robin Tribbet, Gloribel Rosales-Burdin, Ashley Breed, Pam Fisher, Kyle Daniel, Kirby Kalbaugh, Mike Dana, Kathryn Orvis, Steve Hallett, Josh Widhalm, Cale[Read More…]
Assistant Professor Yiwei Huang and two landscape architecture undergraduate students Yahan You and Wanting Zhang will be presenting their landscape performance study of Suining South Riverfront Park in next week Landscape Architecture Foundation’s public webinar. The Landscape Architecture Foundation’s Case Study Investigation (CSI) program supports faculty-student research teams who work with designers to assess and document the[Read More…]
The students in LA 482 class (instructed by Assistant Professor Yiwei Huang) created a series of temporary art installations on Agricultural Mall Thursday afternoon (April 28). The designs include a road chalk painting, an interactive watercolor-seed exchange station, and a labyrinth that is meant to be walked through to find inner peace for anyone who[Read More…]
Yiwei Huang as collaborative author has two articles published: “Locating the Responsive Plants for Landscape Recovery: A Toolkit for Designers and Planners.” Xiwei Shen; Steven Handel; Niall Kirkwood; Yiwei Huang; and Mary Padua. Ecological Restoration. March 2022 vol. 40 no. 1 33-35. http://er.uwpress.org/content/40/1/33.full.pdf+html “A Call for Innovative, Multidisciplinary Adaptive Landscape Design in the Age of Climate[Read More…]
Assistant Professor Yiwei Huang, and a Purdue civil engineer graduate student Zhixin Li explored the potential of integrating social media data to the future of park management back in summer 2021. And now their first pilot study for the city of Chicago is published: Huang, Y., Li, Z., & Huang, Y. (2022). User Perception of Public[Read More…]
Assistant Professor Yiwei Huang (as a PI) has received a $74,861 seed grant from The Purdue Climate Change Research Center (PCCRC), with a proposal titled “Downscaling and visualizing climate change scenarios to advance environmental justice and promote local action”. She will be working with Co-PI Dr. Tian Guo (from ABE), Co-PI Dr. Keith A. Cherkauer (from[Read More…]