4 The HLA Welcome Back Bash was a success despite the rain ending it earlier than planned. Undergraduate students enjoyed the taco bar, cornhole, the photo booth, and bingo (with prizes!). Thank you to Robin Tribbet, Gloribel Rosales-Burdin, Ashley Breed, Pam Fisher, Kyle Daniel, Kirby Kalbaugh, Mike Dana, Kathryn Orvis, Steve Hallett, Josh Widhalm, Cale[Read More…]
Over the summer, the Widhalm laboratory members were busy presenting their research across the country. Graduate student Thiti Suttiyut presented his work on shikonin metabolism and helped organize the phytochemical section at Botany 2022 (Botanical Society of America) in Anchorage, Alaska from July 24th – 27th. Graduate student George Meyer presented his work on juglone[Read More…]
Congratulations to Michael Mickelbart, Kathryn Orvis, and Joshua Widhalm for receiving 2022 AgSEED grants. Michael Mickelbart’s project is “Improving maize water-use efficiency via stomatal traits.” Kathryn Orvis’s project is “Urban Farming Entrepreneurship Program: Providing minority youth entrepreneurship training to increase employment and food access.” Joshua Widhalm’s project is “Investigating chloroplast thievery in photosynthetic sea slugs[Read More…]