The Purdue Horticulture Society held the end-of-the-semester dinner on April 24th at Walt’s Pub. In addition to announcing new officers, thanking previous officers, and presenting Hannah Beck with the (newly named) Dr. Mike Dana Outstanding Member Award. The club presented long-time advisor, Dr. Mike Dana, a Purdue rain gauge and a pot with am inscription[Read More…]
Last week, Dr. Prokopy attended the MANNRS (Minorities in Agricultural, Natural Resources and Related Sciences) Purdue Chapter annual banquet to celebrate the accomplishments of the Chapter (first place in the nation!) and celebrate our student members – Otto Hoehl (Turf Management and Science), Spencer Logan (Pre Landscape Architecture), Shivika Aggrawal (grad student). Shivika, co-advised by[Read More…]
Congratulations to Dr. Aaron Thompson, who will join the 2024-2025 Insights Forum. Purdue Insights is a leadership forum hosted by Faculty Affairs in the Office of the Provost intended to support faculty who are interested in exploring leadership at a university, increase the pool of potential leaders at Purdue, and expand our capacity for leadership[Read More…]
Brittany Weerts has joined HLA as the new Hydroponic Research Operations Administrator. Her background is in commercial growing, with an emphasis on greenhouse and hydroponic production. For the last three years, she worked as the Head Grower for Eden Valley Farms, a hydroponic start-up in Francesville, Indiana, where they supplied major retail chains with fresh[Read More…]
Our team Good Thyme Gang played against River City Rascals Monday afternoon at Mike Aulby’s Arrowhead Bowl for the last week of the Purdue Staff and Students league. Good Thyme Gang has become the Champion of the league for the second year in a row! In the Team Category: Good Thyme Gang placed 1st with team scratch game scoring an 730, placed 2nd with team[Read More…]
HLA’s Spring Fest tent was a smashing success! We handed out nearly 900 plant necklaces to the excited families who stopped by. Students from PASLA set up various children’s activities at their table. Purdue Extension Master Gardeners volunteers from Tippecanoe County staffed a table, answering questions and challenging attendees with a Plant Problem ID Challenge.[Read More…]
The American Society for Horticultural Sciences (ASHS) have announced their 2024 Outstanding Undergraduate Horticulture Students and 2024 ASHS Collegiate Scholars Award Winners. ASHS recognized Lauren R. Harmon as a 2024 Outstanding Undergraduate Horticulture Student. Students for this award were selected on the basis of their academic achievements, leadership abilities, participation in campus/club activities, and service[Read More…]
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