Nine Students Earn Top Awards for HHS Research at 2024 Fall Undergraduate Research Conference

A student stands in front of a research poster talking to attendees.

College of Health and Human Sciences student Natalie Chyrystine Hoffman discusses her research poster at the 2024 Fall Undergraduate Research Conference.(Purdue University Photo/Tim Brouk)

Congratulations to the following students who received awards at the 2024 Fall Undergraduate Research Conference. 

HHS Research Talks 

First Place: “Stress-enhanced fear learning can be reduced with unconditional stimulus deflation with constraints.” Jaden Brooks (biology major, psychology minor) 
Mentor: Sydney Trask 

Second Place: “Effects of DHEA on the estrous cycle: a rodent model of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.” Roshni Manikandan (biology major, management minor); Linnaea Eileen Krupke (brain and behavioral sciences major, biological sciences minor) 

Mentor: Kimberly Kinzig 

Third Place: “Analysis of the heavy metals in electrodes used in manual metal arc welding and the generated fumes.” Shane Kevin Limas (biomedical health sciences major) 

Mentor: Jae Park 

HHS Posters 

Three young women stand in front of a research poster, smiling.

From left, College of Health and Human Sciences students Avery Grace Brubaker and Emma Swanson and College of Science student Caroline Rhea Packee pose in front of their research poster at the 2024 Fall Undergraduate Research Conference.(Purdue University Photo/Tim Brouk)

First Place: “Dissociating the Influence of Music and Video Game Experience on Visual Attention.” Mohammad Pehlari (psychological sciences major, human resource management minor) 

Mentors: Thomas S. Redick; Alexa Kristina Bushinski 

Second Place:Exploring How HPV Vaccine Education Impacts Health Behaviors and Attitude on a College Campus.” Caroline Rhea Packee (biology major, management minor, classical studies minor); Emma Swanson (biomedical health sciences major, dance minor); Avery Grace Brubaker (biomedical health sciences major, psychology minor) 

Mentors: Monica Kasting; Shandey Derisa Malcolm; Samantha L. Ky 

Third Place:The Impact of Different Types of High Fat Diet on Energy Consumption and Weight Gain in Male and Female Rats.” Natalie Chyrystine Hoffman (brain and behavior sciences major) 

Mentors: Brent Benjamin Bachman; Kimberly Kinzig 

A list of all fall 2024 award recipients is available online

Save the Date

Spring Undergraduate Research Conference 
April 8-11, 2025 
Posters: April 8 | Research Talks: April 10 | Virtual: April 8-11 

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