Purdue Disclaimer
It should be noted that use of the training resources found at this site, or any safety program does not guarantee the safety of those who have participated in the program or successfully passed the testing or certification components. Knowing the safe way to complete a task or recognizing a hazard does not mean that the safe pracite will always be selected or the hazard avoided. The information presented on this site cannot be substituted for ongoing supervision, instruction, correction, evaluation, or an employer’s commitment to providing a safe and healthy workplace.
Furthermore the authors do not imply that the contents found at this site cover all potential hazards that may be encountered while performing farm or ranch-related work. The topics included have been selected to reflect the most serious and common hazards associated with grain storage and handling facilities, including agricultural confined spaces, as identified through analysis of recent injury data and by a panel of agricultural safety and health experts. Hazards that are unique to individual agricultural enterprises or related to geographic regions should be identified and incorporated into the curriculum where appropriate.
If you are a program leader or instructor, you are not certifying or affirming by use of this material that any student who completes the program will perform any specific task safely, on every occasion. At the completion of the program you can only confirm that the student attended each of the classes, passed a written exam regarding their knowledge of safe work practices. You are discouraged from making any written or verbal claims or promises beyond confirmation of participation and successful completion of the training program including the testing components.