List 39 Marketing and Media

Vendor engagement process for online learning

To:      Executive Vice Presidents, Chancellors, Vice Presidents, Vice Chancellors, Vice Provosts, Deans, Directors, and Heads of Schools, Divisions, Departments and Offices

From: Gerry McCartney, Executive Vice President for Purdue Online

Date:  December 11, 2018

Re:      Vendor engagement process for online learning


Purdue Online currently engages with a number of vendors that support the development and delivery of online learning offerings, develop tools for online services, or otherwise provide services for online education. 

One of the goals for Purdue Online is to leverage our current relationships, agreements, and institutional spend to create new online products that can be seamlessly integrated with our current offerings. To guide faculty and staff through this process, the Executive Vice President for Purdue Online, or his/her designee, will begin approving the purchase or acquisition of all equipment, software, and services related to developing and delivering online learning.

This approval will benefit those in the Purdue system who are making online-related purchases using general funds or auxiliary sources. The process will identify opportunities to take advantage of existing or potential purchase agreements; it will quickly identify potential conflicts or additional costs that might be incurred because of required institutional support; and it will help to create a common student experience for those students taking online classes from a variety of Purdue schools or colleges.

Purdue Online is developing guidelines to support this requirement, and they will be communicated in the coming weeks.