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Office of the Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer

To:       Chancellors, Vice Presidents, Vice Provosts, Vice Chancellors, Deans, Directors, and Heads of Schools, Divisions, Departments and Offices


Fr:       William E. Sullivan, Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer


Date:    November 2, 2017


Re:       Restructuring



As an organization charged with ensuring institutional integrity in all financial and operational matters, we must continually assess our ways of doing business.


A recent review of the organizational structure for the Office of the Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer has resulted in the creation of a more efficient and streamlined model, one that will serve the university well into the future as we support the goals of affordability and accessibility with a focus on investment in priorities.


In this regard, we have reduced the number of my direct reports from 13 to 7, and have pushed down substantial accountability and responsibility.  We have clearly aligned the key financial functions into the same reporting group, under the direction of Chris Ruhl.  We have also aligned our key administrative operating functions under Mike Cline.  Jim Almond will be responsible for overseeing the financial operations of Sponsored Program Services, our Athletics office and the two regional campuses.  Peg Fish and Denny Darrow will continue in their pivotal roles, and Tim Werth will continue to report to me as we implement the Business Process Re-Engineering project.  The organizational chart displaying the new structure can be found here.


While these changes will go into effect on November 1, 2017, in line with our desire to pause on any changes to our underlying systems, these changes will not be reflected in the systems until July 1, 2018.


Our entire organization remains committed to achieving the financial and operational goals of Purdue University and each of its colleges, departments, areas and units.  We look forward to our continued work with each of you.