
Service Internal Customers PCPB Customers External Non Profit
Nikon A1RMP-HD Intravital Confocal $54/hr $54/hr $107/hr

Perkin Elmer Micro-CT

$48/hr $48/hr $179/hr
Spectral Ami Optical Imaging System $39/hr $39/hr


MiLabs U-SPECT-II/CT/PET $72/hr $72/hr $161/hr
Nikon A1R-MP $53/hr $37/hr $82/hr
Nikon A1Rsi $40/hr $28/hr $131/hr
Super Resolution Nikon N-STORM/N-SIM/TIRF $52/hr $37/hr $81/hr
Zeiss LSM 880 $38/hr $29/hr


Zeiss LSM 880 - after hours $28/hr $26/hr


Nikon 90i Wide-Field $17/hr $12/hr $26/hr

Nikon TiS Wide-Field

$17/hr $12/hr $26/hr
Imaging Staff Time $75/hr $75/hr $117/hr
Training: Confocals, Super Resolution, VECTor/CT  $224 $152 $347
Training: AMI, Widefield, Plate Readers $124 $124 $192
Synergy Neo Plate Reader $15/hr $15/hr $23/hr
DynaPro II Plate Reader $10/hr $10/hr $16/hr

*Small, core-specific CTSI grants are also available to fund pilot experiments.

**For VECTor imaging, one hour of labor will be charged per imaging session to cover the costs of laboratory maintenance and regulatory overhead.

Other costs and benefits

Free trial period

The PIF offers prospective users (or current users with substantially new projects) a free, one-hour imaging session in order to assess how well our equipment can image your sample. Please schedule a time with the facility manager to take advantage of this opportunity. 

Training fee

A one-time flat training fee is charged for training on any of the microscopes or imagers in the core facility.  (Up to two members from the same lab can participate in the same training session at no extra cost.)

Animal housing fee

The Hansen facility is now capable to house some animal cages, specifically for longitudinal studies conducted in the PIF. Small number of radioactive animals will be housed in the Hansen imaging area until they are cooled.  All other imaging animals should be returned to LSA 144. Standard housing rates can be found here. Please contact Sylvia Schlegel (sschlege@purdue.edu or (765) 494-2120) for animal housing reservation needs.

Labor rate

Labor is charged at $75.00/hr (internal), $54.00/hr (PCPB) and $115.00/hr (external) if facility staff are hired to perform experimental design, data acquisition or data analysis.


Xiaoguang (Shawn) Zhu
Imaging Facility Director
Phone: 765-496-3148
Email: zhu410@purdue.edu