Jennifer Bogo
"Panel discussion: "Writing About Technology" - Fowler Hall"
Fowler Hall: 10 - 11:30 PM
An argument can be made that all journalism now is tech journalism, and perhaps the same can be said for much of today's non-fiction writing. Technology has become so pervasive and ubiquitous in the modern industrialized world that almost any subject will have a tech component.
Do you need to speak geek to write about technology? Is the ability to speak geek enough?
Join a few of the nation's leading tech journalists as they discuss what it takes to write about technology well, and future considerations for those interested in writing about technology and its place in our lives.
Bio: As the executive editor at Popular Science, Jennifer Bogo orchestrates coverage on topics ranging from medical breakthroughs and space exploration to advances in energy and robotics. Stories she edited have won a National Magazine Award and been included in The Best American Science Writing and The Best American Science and Nature Writing anthologies. She's also traveled to research stations from the Arctic to the Antarctic to report and write stories herself.