Sponsorships and Partnerships

For the Center to offer students the latest in manufacturing tools, technologies, and to fund our internal students research and development help and support from our corporate partners are essential.

Email or call the Bechtel Center for more details.

$5,000 p.a.
$10,000 p.a.
$15,000 p.a.
Logo Placement on Website***
Hold Company Events at the Centerx1x2Unlimited
Mentor Bechtel Center Student Teams***
Inclusion on Bechtel Entryway Wall of Partners**
Promotions of jobs / Internships by Flyers / Discord**
Bechtel Teams Recruitment Fair in Fall**
Discord Account to Remotely Interact with 2700+ Students **
Center Technology Demo and Assistance**
Use of the Center During Campus Recruiting Events**
Tagging and featuring in our 1/week Social Media*

* Use of the Center includes scheduling a presentation space, interview rooms, storage, street signage outside, etc. – please let us know how we can help.