The Inter-Lab Volunteering Process consists of a number of small activities designed to give the prospective Peer Mentor a brief glimpse into the opportunities and resources available in each Bechtel Center lab space while introducing them to the project management system, safety certification, and some of the current Peer Mentors.
Steps to the Inter-Lab Volunteering Process
- Review the Inter-Lab Volunteering module on Brightspace
- The entire module must be completed to continue
- For each individual Inter-Lab Activity, consult with the relevant lab staff to create a proposal in the Project Management System for that lab’s activity
- You will be consulting with lab mentors and making a new project for each activity
- Complete the relevant safety quizzes in the Project Management System
- Required safety training is listed in each resource under “Your Training”
- Consult with the relevant lab mentors again to schedule your reservation for that activity
- Complete the Inter-Lab Volunteering
- Important: Seek a discord consultation with a Peer Mentor from each area to schedule an acceptable reservation time to complete the activity for that area.
- Upon completing the Inter-Lab Volunteering Brightspace module, proceed to the next step of the volunteering process: Area-Specific Volunteering