New advisors in ADPT 105 are being asked to shadow their mentor and be shadowed by their mentor in their first semester. In their second semester, for ADPT 205, they will be following the requirements below.
Continuing and train-the-trainer advisors in ADPT 105 and 205 are being asked to pick two of the options below for shadowing their colleagues.
Observe 2 30-minute appointments online or in-person from someone in your college.
Observe 2 30-minute appointments online or in-person from someone outside your college.
Record your own 30 minute zoom appointment and watch it back.
Record a 30-minute appointment and send it to UUAA for review.
Have someone from UUAA observe 2 30-minute appointments online or in-person.
Prior to the appointment, student consent to be observed must be obtained
- If students do not consent to being observed or recorded, the shadower/observer/recording must be rescheduled. The student appointment is never to be rescheduled because they do not want to participate. They have the right to refuse.
- Template for Gaining Student Consent to be Observed or Recorded - Please use this template and modify as needed
Shadow sheets will be used to guide the observation and submitted for completion grades