Wellness Resources

If you are experiencing mental health struggles, you are not alone. Behavioral health conditions affect one in four people annually. We hope you find resources on this page that help you feel better.

While this page includes a wide variety of resources*, it is not comprehensive. We suggest you use the links below as a starting point in your search for wellness resources. Please don’t hesitate to contact the Office of the Dean of Students if you need further help finding resources that meet your mental health needs.

If you or someone you know is about to harm themselves or another person, call 911 or the Purdue Student Help and Crisis Line at 765-495-4357.

To advocate for our mental health, we often require a complete toolbox of resources, including self-education, therapy, medication, exercise, community, habit development, coping strategies, and intervention. You will find resources to aid you in each of these strategies below. As you are searching for the help you need, keep these tips in mind:

  1. You can be your own best advocate.
  2. Set realistic expectations on your progress.
  3. Be flexible to try new treatment options.

Office of the Dean of Students

Consults with students on all aspects of university life, including wellness. Offers training courses and presentations for preventing suicide and more.

Website: https://www.purdue.edu/odos/

Center for Advocacy, Response, and Education

A division of the Office of the Dean of students that provides confidential support for survivors of sexual violence, dating violence, and stalking. Features educational programs such as “Healthy Relationships” and “Supporting a Survivor”.

Website: https://www.purdue.edu/odos/care/

Student of Concern Reporting Link

Monitored by the Office of the Dean of Students. Can be used in a variety of circumstances to request help. Can alert Purdue that a student needs assistance and resources to aid their mental health.

Website: https://www.purdue.edu/advocacy/faculty/incident.html

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

Purdue’s primary mental health care provider for students. They offer group and individual therapy, after hours resources, referrals, and more. 

Website: https://www.purdue.edu/caps/

Purdue Recreation & Wellness (RecWell)

Provides light therapy, wellness coaching, and an on-campus fitness center (the CoRec) where you can strengthen your body and mind. Also provides digital resources and programming to promote wellness.

Website: https://www.purdue.edu/recwell/index.php

Steps to Leaps 

An organization supported by RecWell that provides articles, activities, and more to help navigate life and school.

Website: https://www.purdue.edu/stepstoleaps/index.php

Purdue University Student Health Service (PUSH)

Provides healthcare services for Purdue students, including prescription management for ADHD, confidential sexual assault care, eating disorder care, and more.

Website: https://www.purdue.edu/push/

NAMI on campus

The National Alliance on Mental Illness Purdue campus chapter. Hosts meetings and events to promote mental wellbeing and awareness. Facilitates the Healing Room, a student support group open to all.

Boilerlink: https://boilerlink.purdue.edu/organization/namipurdue

Disability Resource Center (DRC)

Determines accommodations for students with disabilities, including learning and concentration barriers. Their website also features a list of wellbeing apps and resources.

Website: https://www.purdue.edu/drc/

Purdue Counseling and Guidance Center

Is run by counseling psychology graduate students, supervised by faculty from the Counseling Psychology Program. This center provides counseling on a wide range of topics to any Purdue student or faculty member, as well as to high school students and adults in the Lafayette area. No fees are charged for counseling services or tests.

Website: https://www.education.purdue.edu/research-and-engagement/centers-and-institutes/purdue-counseling-guidance-center/

Purdue Psychological Treatment and Research Clinic

Staffed with psychologists in training, supervised by faculty from the Clinical Psychology graduate program. This clinic aims to provide assessment, therapy, and psycho-educational services to the Lafayette and West Lafayette area. The first time fee is $25 and a sliding scale system is used for subsequent visits.

Website: https://www.purdue.edu/hhs/psy/pptrc/index.html

Veterans Success Center (VSC)

Provides a space in the Purdue Memorial Union where veterans or family members can gather. The VSC serves as an on-ramp to navigating and accessing military-related benefits and support.

Website: https://www.purdue.edu/veterans/

Counseling and Wellness Services - College of Veterinary Medicine - Purdue University

Provides Purdue Veterinary Medicine students with counseling and consultation on a variety of life issues.

Website: https://www.vet.purdue.edu/student-services/counseling/

Project Bloom - College of Engineering

Co-sponsored the first Mental Health Awareness Week at Purdue, and now provides mentoring opportunities, wellbeing modules, and other mental health resources to Engineering students as well as all students.

Website: https://engineering.purdue.edu/Engr/Bloom

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Center (LGBTQ Center)

Provides a safe and inclusive space on campus for all students, and hosts events and programming about LGBTQ topics and interests. The Center provides safe-zone training, trans inclusion training, resources for coming-out, LGBTQ+ support groups, social engagement events, and more.

Website: https://www.purdue.edu/lgbtq/

Cultural Centers

Purdue's cultural centers, the Asian and Asian American Resource and Cultural Center (AAARCC), the Black Cultural Center (BCC), the Latino Cultural Center (LCC), and the Native American Education and Cultural Center (NAECC), offer spaces for connection and learning. CAPS works with the cultural centers, the Veteran Success Center, the LGBTQ Center, and more, to provide counselors as liaisons to these groups.

Graduate Students with Families

Resources for graduate students with families. Learn about the Graduate Parent Support Network, child care options, the university lactation support program, and more.

Website: https://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/student/families/index.html

Ombuds services

A resource for graduate students to raise questions or concerns about any aspect of their graduate experiences.

Website: https://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/student/oga/ombuds.html

Office of Graduate Assistance (OGA)

Meets with graduate students and postdocs to provide impartial, independent, and informal assistance.

Website: https://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/student/oga/index.html

Center for Healthy Living

Provides counseling and more to qualifying Purdue employees. Their Healthy Boiler Program provides incentives for wellness and more.

Website: https://www.purdue.edu/hr/CHL/

Purdue Human Resources

Provides referrals to services and guidance for mental health issues.

Resources flyer: https://www.purdue.edu/hr/Benefits/employeebenefits/benefits_enrollment/emails/mental-health-resources.html


Offers text therapy, digital resources and more free to qualifying Purdue employees.

Website: https://www.purdue.edu/hr/Benefits/medical/SupportLinc.php

Mental Health Resources

An extensive list of mental health resources of all kinds compiled by Purdue Human Resources.

Website: https://www.purdue.edu/hr/COVID-19/stress.php


A digital self-help tool for depression, anxiety, and stress, supported by CAPS.

Login with your Purdue Career Account: https://purdue.welltrack.com/?_ga=2.95675292.1629257178.1624908330-325226637.1599078675

Thriving Campus

Mental healthcare providers directory.

Web Directory: https://purdue.thrivingcampus.com/?_ga=2.257835470.438401062.1599575937-1912135435.1579806715

LiveHealth Online Psychology and LiveHealth Online Psychiatry

Provide online licensed therapists, board-certified psychiatrists and medication management support for common behavioral conditions. Purdue’s student and graduate staff health plans cover LiveHealth Online mental health visits.

LiveHealth Online Psychology website: https://livehealthonline.com/psychology/?_ga=2.106174723.1471346299.1588701555-754860804.1585765800

LiveHealth Online Psychiatry website: https://livehealthonline.com/psychiatry/

Mindset and Readiness - Learning Online 101 (brightspace.com)

A module of Purdue’s online learning course, free to Purdue students on Brightspace, provides mental health resources and advice.

Login using your Purdue Career Account: https://purdue.brightspace.com/d2l/login?sessionExpired=0&target=%2fd2l%2fle%2fcontent%2f256101%2fHome%3fitemIdentifier%3dD2L.LE.Content.ContentObject.ModuleCO-5832614

Off-Campus Referrals List

Compiled by CAPS to direct patients toward additional care providers.

Referrals document: https://www.purdue.edu/caps/files/Off-Campus%20Referrals%20List%20-%20website.pdf

Be the Difference

Mental Health First Aid training by Purdue Extension.

Website: https://extension.purdue.edu/mhfa/

Brochure: https://extension.purdue.edu/mhfa/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/MHFA-Fact-Sheet-2020.pdf

Health Wellness and Stress - College of Engineering

A list of resources compiled by the Purdue College of Engineering, which may be helpful to both engineering students and to anyone looking beyond this site for resources.

Website with resources: https://engineering.purdue.edu/Engr/InfoFor/CurrentGraduateStudents/HealthWellnessAndStress


A free minimalist daily gratitude journal for android.

Website: https://presently-app.firebaseapp.com/


A free minimalist meditation app for stress, sleep, daily practice and more. Also features ambient sound-tracks and breathing exercises.

Website: https://meditofoundation.org/medito-app


An app for daily coaching and goals that sets reminders for you to drink water, eat a good breakfast, exercise, celebrate life, and more.

Website: https://www.thefabulous.co/


Features a variety of mental health tools including regional coaching, mood tracking, meditations, chat forums, and helpful articles.

Website: https://www.sanvello.com

DBT Diary Card and Skills Coach app

A DBT app designed by a licensed clinical psychologist. Features coaching, self-treatment skills development, and reflection.

Website: https://www.diarycard.net/

Operation Reach Out App

An app designed to encourage people who are feeling suicidal to reach out for help. Provides a help center, resources for loved ones, and activities to help users connect with loved ones.

App store preview: https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/operation-reach-out/id478899653?mt=8%20PTSD%20Coach%20-%20http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ptsd.va.gov%2Fpublic%2Fmaterials%2Fapps%2FPTSDCoach.asp

PTSD Coach app

Provides links to support services; guidance on how to lift mood, reduce stress and symptoms of PTSD, and more.

Website: https://www.ptsd.va.gov/apps/ptsdcoachonline/default.htm

App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=is.vertical.ptsdcoach&hl=en&gl=US

Stress and Anxiety Companion app

An app to manage everyday stress and worries. Includes breathing exercises, daily advice, and audio guides structured around cognitive behavioral therapy.

App store preview: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/stress-anxiety-companion-beautifully/id786238252


A science-based mood-boosting app with games, meditation, and progress tracking.

App store preview: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/happify-for-stress-worry/id730601963

Online Mental Health Resources 

A directory assembled by Purdue Student Government. Highlights mental health apps, OCD apps, self-help apps, mood-tracking apps, and more.

Website: https://www.purduesg.org/online-resources

 Apps and Digital Resources

A list of more wellbeing apps to explore, curated by CAPS.

Website: https://www.purdue.edu/caps/services/digital-resources/index.html

Purdue Police Department Crisis Intervention Team

Accessed through calling 911.

Website: https://www.purdue.edu/ehps/police/community-services/services/crisis-intervention.php

Sycamore Springs

Address: 833 Park E. Blvd., Lafayette, IN

Call: (765) 743-4400

Website: https://sycamorespringshealth.com/

River Bend Hospital

Address: 2900 N. River Rd, West Lafayette, IN

Call: (765) 464-0400

Website: https://www.nchsi.com/nchs

 Mental Health America (MHA) Wabash Valley Region

Crisis Center Hotline Phone: (765) 742-0244

Call or text: (877) 419-1632

Website: https://mhawv.org/

Be Well Indiana

Mental health education, assessment, and resources.

Website: https://bewellindiana.com/

Affiliated Service Providers of Indiana, Inc (ASPIN)

Events, training, support, and employment related to mental health in Indiana. This affiliation has clinical provider locations in West Lafayette, Fort Wayne, and more.

Website: https://valleyoaks.org/

Clinical Provider locations: https://aspin.org/clinical-providers

Active Minds

Programs and resources for improving mental health care and awareness on college campuses.

Website: https://www.activeminds.org/about-us/our-story/

Anxiety and Depression Association of America

Features a therapist directory, and an extensive collection of resources, organizations, and information.

Website: https://adaa.org/find-help/support/community-resources


Online therapy for college students.

Website: https://www.bettermynd.com/

College Telehealth

Online therapy for college students (free 15 minute initial call, $125-$225 for 50-minute sessions).

Website: https://www.collegetelehealth.com/

Mental Health is Health

Has resources for when your feelings are out of control or for difficult life events. Also has resources for loved ones.

Website: https://www.mentalhealthishealth.us/

Helpful Mental Health Resources for College Students

Blog by David Susman, clinical psychologist, on a wide range of mental health topics.

Blog: http://davidsusman.com/2020/01/09/helpful-mental-health-resources-for-college-students/

The Jed Foundation

Helps schools strengthen their mental health programs. Promotes wellbeing education and provides resources.

Website: https://www.jedfoundation.org/

Half of Us

A campaign by MTVU and the Jed Foundation to raise awareness and start conversations about the nature of mental illness in colleges. The name comes from the fact that half of college students experience stress, anxiety, or depression that interferes with their lives.

Website: https://campus.halfofus.com/


Provides online crisis chat, opportunities for volunteering, blog posts, and more, focusing on suicide prevention.

Website: https://www.imalive.org/

LGBTQ National Help Center

Provides free and confidential peer-support chatrooms and hotlines.

Website: www.glbtnationalhelpcenter.org


An online community for young people to post about their mental health struggles. Also features a chat line and Spanish options.

Website: https://ok2talk.org/


Directory of mental health resources, including general information, blogs, online communities, support groups, articles, quizzes and books.

Website: https://psychcentral.com/

To Write Love on Her Arms

Hosts events, features a blog, and provides other resources to help people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury and suicide. Emphasizes inclusivity.

Website: https://twloha.com/

Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC)

Provides suicide prevention resources including a set of resources specific to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Website: https://www.sprc.org/

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Provides 24/7 free and confidential support.

Call: 800-273-TALK (8255)

Website: https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/

Samaritans 24-Hour Crisis Hotline

Provides free, confidential, 24/7 emotional support.

Call: 988

Website: https://samaritansnyc.org/24-hour-crisis-hotline/

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network

Provides resources and care for traumatized children, their families, and communities.

Website: https://www.nctsn.org/

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

24/7 crisis counseling related to natural or human-caused disasters.

Call: 800-985-5990

Text: TalkWithUs to 66746

Spanish speakers text: Hablanos to 66746

Website: https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/disaster-distress-helpline

Crisis Text Line

Connects you to a volunteer who provides support via text.

Text: HOME to 741741

Website: https://www.crisistextline.org/

USA Mental Health First Aid

Resources primarily for those who want to help loved ones struggling with mental illness.

Website: https://www.mentalhealthfirstaid.org/2020/03/how-to-bethedifference-for-people-with-mental-health-concerns-during-covid-19/

The Child Mind Institute  

Guides, blogs, and care for families and children struggling with mental illness and related experiences.

Website: https://childmind.org/

Innerbody Research

Health writers, scientists, doctors, nurses, and researchers providing actionable information to help the reader make informed decisions about their health.


Suicide Facts and Resourceshttps://www.innerbody.com/suicide-facts-resources

* The Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars does not endorse or advocate for any resource external to Purdue University.