GSO Events
Several key activities are planned by the GSO each year. This includes social activities, such as, summer picnic, football tailgating, ice skating, bowling, Super Bowl Party, and mini-Olympics; professional activities, such as, the student seminar series and the alternative career seminars; and fundraising efforts, such as, canned food drives and Relay for Life.
The GSO also has several key initiatives that it supports:
First-Year Mentoring
This group provides a mentoring program for our incoming students. This program strives to ensure that each new student has a personal student contact who is available to answer questions and provide assistance as the new students adjust to graduate school.
Diversity and Inclusion
This group serves as a resource for all PULSe students. The members are focused on the quality of life issues for interdisciplinary life science students at Purdue University. The group considers both the academic as well as the social experience and strives to nurture and enrich the lives of PULSe Program students. The chair of this program serves as a liaison between the students and faculty and administration regarding student matters.
Science in Schools
This group provides science outreach by making site visits to area K-12 schools with a primary focus on rural and city environments.
- Graduate Student Organization (GSO)
- Mission of the Organization
- GSO Events
- GSO Officers