Diversity and Inclusion
The Diversity and Inclusion initiative serves as a resource for all PULSe students. The members of the network are focused on the quality of life issues for interdisciplinary life science students at Purdue University. The group considers both the academic as well as the social experience and strives to nurture and enrich the lives of PULSe Program students. The chair of this organization serves as a liaison between the students and faculty and administration regarding student matters.
Some topics that fall under the Diversity and Inclusion initiative include preparing for the preliminary examination, connecting others to academic and administrative resources, and generating ideas for improving the PULSe student experience.
We have worked hard to find ways to better prepare future PULSe students for some of the greater academic challenges that they will face along the path of graduate study. This includes sharing preliminary examination topics, committees, and experiences with one another. Each year, we hold a student panel on the preliminary examination, which provides an opportunity for students who have completed the exam to share their thoughts on how others can be successful. We have also created approved lists of topics and committees that will soon be shared with students. In addition to the prelim prep assistance, we have also generated recommended course listings for students in their first and second years of study, and each spring, we host a speaker in the PULSe Faculty Seminar Series.
- Black Cultural Center
- Disability Resource Center
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Diversity Resource Office
- Women's Resource Office
- Women in Science Program
- Latino Cultural Center
- LGBTQ Center
- Native American Educational and Cultural Center
- Office of Graduate Diversity Initiatives
- Women's Resource Office
- Women in Science Program
Peter Brumm, Diversity and Inclusion ChairEdouard Niyonsaba, Student Seminar Chair