Student Achievement Awards
Outstanding Graduate Student in Research
Jing-Ke Weng
Dr. Clint Chapple Lab
Research Interests:
Evolution of plant secondary metabolism, comparative biochemistry, cytochrom P450, cell wall engineering
Outstanding Graduate Student in Teaching
Dana Emmert
Dr. Christine Hrycyna Lab
Courses Taught:
CHM 53300 Fall 2006, CHM 11600 Spring 2007 & 2008,
CHM 33300 Fall 2007 & 2008, Spring 2009
Publications of the Year
Vidhya Munnamalai
Dr. Daniel Suter Lab
Reactive oxygen species regulate F-actin dynamics in neuronal growth cones and neurite outgrowth (PDF)
Guanglu Shi
Dr. Stephen Konieczny Lab
Spontaneous induction of murine pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (mPanIN) by acinar cell targeting of oncogenic Kras in adult mice (PDF)
Jing-Ke Weng
Dr. Clint Chapple Lab
Independent origins of syringly lignin in vascular plants (PDF)
Certificate of Recognition for First-Authorship
Maris Cinelli, Dr. Mark Cushman Lab
Design, Synthesis, and Biological Evaluation of 14-Substituted Aromathecins as Topoisomerase I Inhibitors (PDF)
Sarah Husk, Dr. Joseph Garner Lab
Home Improvement: C57BL/6J Mice Given More Naturalistic Nesting Materials Build Better Nests (PDF)
Kai-Hui Sun, Dr. Kavita Shah Lab
Novel Genetic Tools Reveal Cdk5's Major Role in Golgi Fragmentation in Alzheimer's Disease (PDF)
Deregulated Cdk5 promotes oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction (PDF)
Chunhua Zhang, Dr. Daniel Szymanski Lab
Arabidopis SCARs Function Interchangeably to Meet Actin-Related Protein 2/3 Activation Thresholds during Morphogenesis (PDF)