Recommended Classes for First-Year PULSe Students by Training Groups
Below is a menu of suggested courses (not all of the listed classes need to be taken). Individual student needs, backgrounds and interests will vary.
Some of the STAT classes are listed in both fall and spring semesters. These classes are generally offered in both semesters, and the appropriate STAT class may be taken either semester.
The PULSe Proposal Writing class requirement, HORT 603 Grants and Grantsmanship or MCMP 625 Grant Writing, should not be taken during the first year.
Course offerings and availability are subject to change. Refer to the Schedule of Classes for each semester.
Advisement Procedures
Each summer, the PULSe office will survey the new students on their Training Group of interest. After this information is gathered, each Training Groups's Executive representative will give course recommendations for each incoming first-year student. The assessment will be based on student Training Group interest and academic background. If further information is needed, the student will be asked by the PULSe office to contact the Training Group's Curriculum Committee representative.
The PULSe office will inform students in October that in order to register for spring classes, they need to contact an advisor from their primary training group of interest and obtain the advisor's assistance in selecting courses for spring.
Training Groups
- BCHM 56100 General Biochemistry I (3) - depending on review of student's transcript
- BCHM 60501 Macromolecules (3)**
- BIOL 47800/BIOL 59500 Introduction to Bioinformatics (3)
- BIOL 59500 Methods and Measurements in Biophysical Chemistry (3)
- BIOL 59500 CryoEM 3D Reconstruction (3)
- BIOL 60000 Bioenergetics (2)
- CHM 61500 Principles of NMR Spectroscopy (3)
- CHM 63100 Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (2)
- CHM 63200 Membranes: Structure and Function (3)
- CHM 63400 Biochemistry: Structural Aspects (3)
- CHM 63800 Biophysical Chemistry (3)
- CS 59000 Computing for Life Sciences (3)
** Do not take with BCHM 56100.
- BCHM 56200 General Biochemistry II (3) - upon advisement
- BIOL 51700 Molecular Biology: Proteins (2)
- BIOL/BCHM 53600 Biological and Structural Aspects of Drug Design and Action (3)
- BIOL 56310 Protein Bioinformatics (3)
- BIOL 59500 Introduction to X-Ray Crystallography (3)
- BIOL 59500 Practical Biocomputing (3)
- ABE 56000/BME 52100 Biosensors: Applications and Fundamentals (3)
- ABE 62700 Collodial Phenomena in Bioprocessing (3)
- BCHM 56100 General Biochemistry I (3) – depending on review of student’s transcript
- BCHM 60501 Macromolecules (3) - Do not take with BCHM 56100
- CS 50100 Computing for Science and Engineering (3)
- MA 51400 Numerical Analysis (3)
- STAT 50300 Statistical Methods for Biology (3)
- STAT 51100 Statistical Methods (3)
- STAT 51200 Applied Regression Analysis (3)
- STAT 51300 Statistical Quality Control (3)
- STAT 51400 Design of Experiments (3)
- BCHM 56200 General Biochemistry II - upon advisement
- BMS 52400 Introduction to Confocal Microscopy and Image Analysis (1)
- FNR 64700 Quantitative Methods for Ecologists (3)
- MA 51400 Numerical Analysis (3)
- STAT 50300 Statistical Methods for Biology (3)
- STAT 51100 Statistical Methods (3)
- STAT 51200 Applied Regression Analysis (3)
- STAT 51400 Design of Experiments (3)
- BCHM 56100 General Biochemistry I (3) - depending on review of student's transcript
- BCHM 60501 Macromolecules (3)**
- BCHM 61100 Chromatin Biology and Chromosome Dynamics (2)
- BIOL 60000 Bioenergetics (2)
- CHM 63200 Membranes: Structure and Function (3)
- CHM 63400 Biochemistry: Structural Aspects (3)
- CHM 65100 Advanced Organic Chemistry (3)
- MCMP 57000 Basic Principles of Chemical Action on Biological Systems (3)
- STAT 50300 Statistical Methods for Biology (3)
** Do not take with BCHM 56100.
- BCHM 56200 General Biochemistry II (3) - upon advisement
- BCHM 61000 Regulation of Eukaryotic Gene Expression (3)
- BIOL 51600 Molecular Biology of Cancer (3)
- BIOL 62000 Advanced Topics in Eukaryotic Cell Biology (3)
- BIOL 64700 Membrane Protein Structural Biology
- CHM 63500 Biochemistry: Dynamic Aspects (3)
- MCMP 54400 Drug Classes and Mechanisms (3)
- STAT 50300 Statistical Methods for Biology (3)
- STAT 51400 Design of Experiments (3)
- BCHM 56100 General Biochemistry I (3) - depending on review of
student's transcript - BCHM 60501 Macromolecules (3)**
- BCHM 61100 Chromatin Biology and Chromosome Dynamics (2)
- BIOL 47800/BIOL 59500 Introduction to Bioinformatics (3)
- BIOL 55001 Eukaryotic Molecular Biology (3)
- BIOL 59500 Theory of Molecular Methods (3)
- CHM 63400 Biochemistry: Structural Aspects (3)
- CS 59000 Computing for Life Sciences II (3)
- ILS 59500 Data Management at the Bench (elective)
** Do not take with BCHM 56100.
- BCHM 56200 General Biochemistry II (3) - upon advisement
- BCHM 61000 Regulation of Eukaryotic Gene Expression (3)
- BIOL 59500 Practical Biocomputing (3)
- STAT 50300 Statistical Methods for Biology (3)
- BCHM 56100 General Biochemistry I (3) - depending on review of student's transcript
- BCHM 60501 Macromolecules (3)**
- BCHM 61100 Chromatin Biology and Chromosome Dynamics (2)
- BIOL 59500 Introduction to Bioinformatics (3)
- BIOL 59500 Methods and Measurement in Biophysical Chemistry (3)
- BIOL 59500 Theory of Molecular Methods (3)
- CHM 63400 Biochemistry: Structural Aspects (3)
- CS 50100 Computing for Science and Engineering (3)
- CS 59000 Computing for Life Sciences (3)
- CPB 62000 Advanced Immunology (2)
- MA 51400 Numerical Analysis (3)
- STAT 50300 Statistical Methods for Biology (3)
- STAT 51400 Design of Experiments (3)
** Do not take with BCHM 56100.
- BCHM 56200 General Biochemistry II (3) - upon advisement
- BCHM 61000 Regulation of Eukaryotic Gene Expression (3)
- BIOL 51700 Molecular Biology of Proteins (3)
- BIOL 59500 Practical Biocomputing (3)
- BIOL 62000 Advanced Topics in Eukaryotic Cell Biology (3)
- BIOL 69500 Advanced Molecular Virology (3)
- BME 69500 Multi-Scale Modeling in Biological Systems (3)
- CHM 57900 Computational Chemistry: Molecular Modeling and Simulations (3)
- MA 51400 Numerical Analysis (3)
- STAT 50300 Statistical Methods for Biology (3)
- STAT 51400 Design of Experiments (3)
Summer Course
BCHM 612 Bioinformatic Analysis of Genome-Scale Data
- BCHM 56100 General Biochemistry I (3) - depending on review of student's transcript
- BCHM 60501 Macromolecules (3)**
- BIOL 59500 Neurobiology of Learning and Memory (3)
- BIOL 60200 Cellular Neurobiology (3)
- CHM 63400 Biochemistry: Structural Aspects (3)
- STAT 50300 Statistical Methods for Biology (3)
- STAT 51400 Design of Experiments (3)
Other Advanced Courses:
- SLHS 50100 Neural Bases of Speech and Hearing (3)
- SLHS 50300 Auditory Perception (3)
- SLHS 51900 Introduction to Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience (2)
** Do not take with BCHM 56100.
- BCHM 56200 General Biochemistry II (3) - upon advisement
- BIOL 53800 Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Neurobiology (3)
- BIOL 56200/PSY 51200 Neural Systems (3)
- BCHM 56100 General Biochemistry I (3) - depending on review of
student's transcript - BCHM 60501 Macromolecules (3)**
- BCHM 61100 Chromatin Biology and Chromosome Dynamics (2)
- BIOL 59500 Methods and Measurement in Biophysical Chemistry (3)
- BIOL 60000 Bioenergetics (2)
- CHM 53300 Introductory Biochemistry (3)
- CHM 63200 Membranes: Structure and Function (3)
- CHM 63400 Biochemistry: Structural Aspects (3)
- MCMP 57000 Basic Principles of Chemical Action on Biological Systems (3)
** Do not take with BCHM 56100.
- BCHM 56200 General Biochemistry II (3) - upon advisement
- BCHM 61000 Regulation of Eukaryotic Gene Expression (3)
- BIOL 51600 Molecular Biology of Cancer (3)
- BIOL 59500 Introduction to X-Ray Crystallography (3)
- BIOL 64700 Membrane Protein Structural Biology (2)
- CHM 63500 Biochemistry: Dynamic Aspects (3)
- CHM 63800 Biophysical Chemistry (3)
- STAT 50300 Statistical Methods of Biology (3)
- AGRY 64900 Molecular Microbial Ecology (3)
- BCHM 56100 General Biochemistry I (3) - depending on review of student's transcript
- BCHM 60501 Macromolecules (3)**
- BCHM 61100 Chromatin Biology and Chromosome Dynamics (2)
- BIOL 53300 Medical Microbiology (3)
- BIOL 54100 Molecular Genetics of Bacteria (3)
- BIOL 59500 Theory of Molecular Methods (3)
- BIOL 60000 Bioenergetics (2)
- CHM 53300 Introductory Biochemistry (3)
- CHM 63400 Biochemistry: Structural Aspects (3)
- CPB 62000 Advanced Immunology (2)
- STAT 50300 Statistical Methods for Biology (3)
** Do not take with BCHM 56100.
- BCHM 56200 General Biochemistry II (3) - upon advisement
- BCHM 61000 Regulation of Eukaryotic Gene Expression (3)
- BIOL 51600 Molecular Biology of Cancer (3)
- BIOL 51700 Molecular Biology of Proteins (2)
- BIOL 52900 Bacterial Physiology (3)
- BIOL 53700 Immunobiology (3)
- BIOL 54900 Microbial Ecology (2)
- BIOL 62000 Advanced Topics in Eukaryotic Cell Biology (3)
- BIOL 69500 Advanced Molecular Virology (3)
- FS 56500 Microbial Food Borne Pathogens (3)
- STAT 50300 Statistical Methods of Biology (3)
- BCHM 56100 General Biochemistry I (3) - depending on review of student's transcript
- BCHM 60501 Macromolecules (3)**
- BCHM 61100 Chromatin Biology and Chromosome Dynamics (2)
- BIOL 59500 Theory of Molecular Methods (3)
- BIOL 60000 Bioenergetics (2)
- CHM 63400 Biochemistry: Structural Aspects (3)
- CS 59000 Computing for Life Sciences (3)
- MCMP 57000 Basic Principles of Chemical Action on Biological Systems (3)
- STAT 50300 Statistical Methods for Biology (3)
Year 2 or Later:
- BCHM 61501 Pathways (3)
**Do not take with BCHM 56100.
- BCHM 56200 General Biochemistry II (3) - upon advisement
- BCHM 61000 Regulation of Eukaryotic Gene Expression (3)
- BIOL 51600 Molecular Biology of Cancer (3)
- BIOL 62000 Advanced Topics in Eukaryotic Cell Biology (3)
- BIOL 69500 Advanced Molecular Virology (3)
- STAT 50300 Statistical Methods for Biology (3)
- AGRY 53000 Advanced Plant Genetics (3)
- AGRY 59800/BIOL 59500 Cell Biology of Plants (3)
- AGRY 60000 Genomics (3) - alternate years
- HORT 55100 Plant Reponses to the Environment (3)
- BCHM 56100 General Biochemistry I (3) - depending on review of student's transcript
- BCHM 60501 Macromolecules (3)**
- BCHM 64000 Metabolic Platn Physiology (3)**
- BIOL 59500 Theory of Molecular Methods (3)
- CHM 63400 Biochemistry: Structural Aspects (3)
- STAT 50300 Statistical Methods for Biology (3)
- STAT 51400 Design of Experiments (3)
Specialty Courses:
- BCHM 61100 Chromatin Biology and Chromosome Dynamics (2) - offered alternate years
- BTNY 5600 Survey of Mathematical Biology (3)
- BTNY 59000 Current Topics in Molcular Plant Pathology (1)
- HORT 59000 Applied Plant Genomics (2)
**Do not take with BCHM 56100/56200
- BIOL 62000 Advanced Topics in Eukaryotic Cell Biology (3)
- BTNY 53300 Plant Growth and Development (3)
- CHM 63800 Biophysical Chemistry (3)
- STAT 50300 Statistical Methods of Biology (3)
Specialty Courses:
- BCHM 61000 Regulation of Eukaryotic Gene Expression (2)
- BCHM 69500 R and Bioconductor (Maymester Short Course)
- BTNY 61300 Advanced Plant Pathology (3)
- HORT 59000 Introduction to Data Analysis for Biology (3)