Letter from Co-Chairs

The main purpose of the Ecological Sciences and Engineering Interdisciplinary Graduate Program (ESE-IGP) is to prepare students to find solutions to important contemporary and future ecological problems through education and research experiences. Students in this program come from diverse educational and cultural backgrounds, which allows for interdisciplinary collaboration to generate innovative solutions to important global issues. Through our symposium, the ESE-IGP wishes to reach out to the rest of Purdue University and the surrounding communities to join us in discussing and finding solutions to a specific issue of interest.
Inequality is pervasive in many different systems, from wealth and supply chains to the flow of energy in a food web. Analyzing a variety of systems can help build a better understanding of how inequality comes to exist and how it affects the functioning of system components, the overall system behavior, the relationships between multiple systems, and the interactions between a system and its environment. Understanding and defining inequality, its drivers, and effects holds important implications for how we approach many important social, economic, environmental and ecological problems of our day. The focus of this symposium is to characterize these disparities in our changing world by utilizing an interdisciplinary, complex systems approach. The discussions and outcomes of this symposium are intended to be applicable to a wide spectrum of research areas and fields of study in order to improve research quality and general understanding of our world.
This coming September, we will facilitate an important discussion for understanding and managing inequality in complex systems through the lens of many different fields by bringing together respected scientists, professionals, and leaders. Please join us in the conversation as we listen to and interact with experts in tackling a very important issue of our time. Present research associated with the environment and network with other students, faculty, and community members to encourage collaboration and innovative interdisciplinary discussion. We look forward to seeing you this fall!
Charlotte Lee and Zachary Reaver, ESE Symposium 2015 Co-Chairs