CSE Relevant Courses
CSE specialization requires 1 relevant course (3 credits) at the MS level and 2 relevant courses (6 credits) at the PhD level.
The Relevant Courses for the CSE track are listed below by department.
AAE 508: Optimization in Aerospace Engineering
AAE 512: Computational Aerodynamics
AAE 532: Orbit Mechanics
AAE 550: Multidisciplinary Design Optimization
AAE 558: Finite Elements Methods in Aerospace Structures
AAE 590D: Molecular Gas Dynamics
AAE 626: Turbulence and Turbulence Modeling
AAE 646: Elastic Wave Propagation
AAE 654: Fracture Mechanics
AAE 690: Turbulent Combustion Modeling
AAE 690: Modeling Damage and Strengthening Mechanisms in Materials
AGEC 552: Introduction to Mathematical Programming
AGEC 650: Application of Quantitative Analysis: Economics I
AGEC 651: Application of Quantitative Analysis: Economics II
AGEC 652: Application of Quantitative Analysis: Mathematical Programming
AT 519: Aviation GIS Applications
BIOL 517: Molecular Biology: Proteins
BIOL 563: Protein Bioinformatics
BIOL 595: X-ray Crystallography
BIOL 600: Bioenergetics
BIOL 611: Crystallography of Macromolecules
BME 646: Deep Learning
CHM 579: Molecular Modeling and Simulations (Computational Chemistry)
CHM 671: Quantum Chemistry I
CHM 672: Quantum Chemistry II
CHM 673: Computational Quantum Chemistry
CHM 676: Molecular Spectroscopy
CHM 696: Quantum Computation and Quantum Information
ChE 555: Computer Integrated Process Operations
ChE 597: Special Topics in Chemical Engineering (*Pre-approval required from CSE office for CSE credit use)
CE 547: Transport Processes in Surface Waters
CE 568: Highway Infrastructure Management Systems
CE 570: Advanced Structural Mechanics
CE 595: Finite Elements in Elasticity
CE 597: Adjustment of Geospatial Observations
CE 597: Advanced Topics in Classical and Computational Solid Mechanics
CE 597: Digital Photogrammetric Systems
CE 597: Geospatial Data Modeling and Analysis
CE 597: Nonlinear Fracture Mechanics
CE 597R: Analysis of Plates and Shells
CE 605: Advanced Geospatial Estimation
CE 695: Probabilistic Methods in Geotechnical Engineering
CS 501: Computing for Science and Engineering
CS 502: Compiling and Programming Systems
CS 503: Operating Systems
CS 510: Software Engineering
CS 514: Numerical Analysis (equivalent to MA514)
CS 515: Numerical Linear Algebra
CS 520: Computational Methods in Optimization
CS 525: Parallel Computing
CS 530: Introduction to Scientific Visualization
CS 535: Interactive Computer Graphics
CS 536: Data Communication and Computer Networks
CS 541: Database Systems
CS 542: Distributed Database Systems
CS 543: Introduction to Simulation and Modeling of Computer Systems
CS 555: Cryptography
CS 565: Programming Languages
CS 569: Introduction to Robotic Systems (equivalent to EE 569)
CS 580: Algorithm Design, Analysis, and Implementation
CS 584: Theory of Computation and Computational Complexity
CS 590: Introduction to Data Visualization
CS 590: Numerical Comput for Data Science
CS 615: Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations
CS 636: Internetworking
CS 662: Pattern Recognition and Decision Making Processes (equivalent to EE 662)
EAPS 507: Introduction To Analysis And Computing With Geoscience Data
EAPS 509: Data Analysis in the Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
EAPS 515: Geodata Science
EAPS 541: Geodetic Data and Applications
EAPS 577: Remote Sensing of the Planets
EAPS 591: Uncertainty Quantification in Geophysical Analysis
EAPS 657: Geophysical Inverse Theory
ECE 511: Psychophysics (cross-listed with PSY 594I)
ECE 562: Introduction to Data Management
ECE 563: Programming Parallel Machines
ECE 565: Computer Architecture
ECE 570: Artificial Intelligence
ECE 573: Compilers and Translator Writing Systems
ECE 577: Engineering Aspects of Remote Sensing
ECE 580: Optimization Methods for Systems and Control
ECE 595: Computer Network Systems
ECE 600: Random Variables and Signals
ECE 608: Computational Models and Methods
ECE 618: Numerical Electromagnetics
ECE 629: Introduction to Neural Networks
ECE 633: Modeling and Simulation of Power System Components
ECE 637: Digital Image Processing I
ECE 639: Error Control Coding
ECE 641: Digital Image Processing II
ECE 642: Information Theory and Source Coding
ECE 666: Advanced Computer Systems
ECE 673: Distributed Computing Systems
ECE 695: Deep Learning
ECE 695: Fault Tolerant Computer Systems
IE 535: Linear Programming
IE 537: Discrete Optimization Models and Algorithms
IE 538: Nonlinear Optimization Algorithms and Models
IE 580: Systems Simulation
IE 581: Simulation Design and Analysis
IE 630: Multiple Objective Optimization
IE 632: Scheduling Models
IE 633: Dynamic Programming
IMPH 562: Introduction To Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Processes
IMPH 580: Physical Chemical Principles
IMPH 583: Advanced Biopharmaceutics
IMPH 587: Pharmaceutical Solids
MSE 597: Introduction to Computation Materials Science (alternate years)
MSE 597: Kinetics of Materials
MSE 597: Modeling and Simulation of Materials (alternate years)
MA 511: Linear Algebra with Applications
MA 518: Advanced Discrete Mathematics
MA 519: Introduction to Probability
MA 520: Boundary Value Problems of Differential Equations
MA 523: Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
MA 527: Advanced Mathematics for Engineers and Physicists I
MA 575: Graph Theory
MA 595: Numerical Solutions for ODEs
MA 611: Methods of Applied Mathematics I
MA 615: Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
MA 620: Mathematical Theory of Optimal Control
MA 642: Methods of Linear and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
MA 643: Methods of Linear and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations II
ME 556: Lubrication, Friction and Wear
ME 579: Fourier Methods in Digital Signal Processing
ME 581: Numerical Methods in Mechanical Engineering
ME 597: Artificial Intelligence in Thermal Systems
ME 597: Data Analytics for Scientists and Engineers
ME 597: Kinetics of Materials
ME 597: Nonlinear Finite Element Methods
ME 597: Uncertainty Qualification
ME 608: Numerical Methods in Heat, Mass, and Momentum Transfer
ME 614: Computational Fluid Dynamics
ME 625: Advanced Combustion
ME 681: Finite and Boundary Element Methods
NUCL 512: Computers in Reactor Analysis
NUCL 597: Introduction to Computational Physics for Engineering Applications
NUCL 612: Applied Reactor Analysis
NUCL 655: Two-phase flow CFD Applications
PHYS 526: Quantum Computing
PHYS 570A: Computational Biomolecular Physics
PHYS 580: Advanced Computational Physics
PHYS 600: Methods of Theoretical Physics I
PHYS 601: Methods of Theoretical Physics II
PSY 514: Introduction to Mathematical Psychology
PSY 615: Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience
STAT 511: Statistical Methods
STAT 514: Design of Experiments
STAT 519: Introduction to Probability
STAT 520: Time Series and Applications
STAT 524: Applied Multivariate Analysis
STAT 525: Intermediate Statistical Methodology
STAT 526: Advanced Statistical Methodology
STAT 528: Introduction to Mathematical Statistics
STAT 529: Bayesian Statistics and Applied Decision Theory
STAT 532: Elements of Stochastic Process
STAT 541: Advanced Probability and Options, with Numerical Methods
STAT 545: Introduction to Computational Statistics
STAT 549: An Introduction to QTL Mapping in Experimental Populations
STAT 580: Application of Statistical Theory
STAT 598C: Statistical Methods for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
STAT 598Z: Applied Spatial Statistics
CGT 581: Geometric Modeling
CGT 581: Parallel Graphics and Simulation
CGT 620: Graphics Processing Unit Computing
CGT 670: Applications in Visual Analytics
CNIT 581: CRD Cyberlearning Research and Development
IT 545: Biometric Technologies and Applications