CLS Core Courses
To fulfill 2 core Courses, take one Core Life Science and one Core Computing.
Please see available Computational Life Science (CLS) Core Courses below. Core Courses must be taken from two separate Core Areas.
BCHM 56100 - General Biochemistry I/BCHM 56200: General Biochemistry II
BIOL 51700 - Molecular Biology: Proteins
BIOL 54100 - Molecular Genetics of Bacteria
BIOL 55001 - Eukaryotic Molecular Biology
BIOL 58000 - Evolution
BME 69500 - Multi-Scale Modeling in Biological Systems
BME 69900 - Quantitative Systems Biology (cross-listed as ABE 691)
FS 59100 - Microbial Genomics and Metabolism
MCMP 57000 - Basic Principles of Chemical Action on Biological Systems
BIOL 59500- Practical Biocomputing or CNIT 55800 - Bioinformatics Computing and Systems Integration
CHM 69600 - Mathematical Methods for Chemists
CS 50100 - Computing for Science and Engineering
CS 51400/MA 51400 - Numerical Analysis
CS 51500 - Numerical Linear Algebra
CS 52500 - Parallel Computing
CS 53000 - Introduction to Scientific Visualization
CS 54100 - Database Systems
CS 57300 - Data Mining
CS 57800 - Statistical Machine Learning
CS 57900 - Bioinformatics Algorithms
CS 58000 - Algorithm Design, Analysis and Implementation
CS 59000 - Computing for Life Sciences
CS 61500/MA 61500 - Numerical Methods For Partial Differential Equations I
MCMP 69000 - Computer-Aided Drug Design
PHYS 57000 - Computational Biomolecular Physics
PHYS 58000 - Computational Physics
STAT 54500 - Introduction to Computational Statistics