Student Research Spotlight
Charlise Wishard
Department:Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sci.
Advisor:David Minton
Research Description:
I am a PhD student in the Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences department with a concentration in planetary science. My research focus is the ancient bombardment history of Mars in the context of the formation and evolution of the solar system. My work merges computer modeling, orbital dynamics, and impact cratering statistics to uncover Mars’ distant past. When paired with observations of Mars’ surface, the results of my models provide a timeline of martian cratering that can be used to constrain the formation of Mars, the existence of stable liquid water, and the survivability of early life.
My research is inherently interdisciplinary; therefore, it is critical that I gain experience working with researchers in other fields to achieve common goals. CIGP is a great opportunity to branch out into other areas of research and meet other young scientists.
- Wishard CA, Minton DA. Division for Planetary Science / European Planetary Science Congress, September 2019, Geneva, Switzerland.
- Wishard CA, Minton DA. Division on Dynamical Astronomy, June 2019, Boulder, CO.
- Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences Graduate Student Association leadership positions:
- Social Committee Chair (2017-18), Collece of Science Graduate Student Representative (2018-19),
- Treasurer (2018-present)
- Outreach Experience: elementary after school tutor (2019-present)