New Graduate Student Orientation
Professional Development Workshop Opportunities
We're excited to have you join us for our Spring professional development workshops. New graduate students should create an account in the GoSignMeUp! software. The directions for creating a GoSignMeUp! account is at the bottom of this page. Please register for professional development workshops as soon as possible as space is limited.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Setting Yourself Up to Win in Grad School (Virtual)
Join Purdue's Counseling and Psychological Services, to discuss the common pitfalls that graduate students face and strategies for success!
Mentoring Dialogues (in-person)
Join Graduate Dean Emeritus Dr. Linda Mason for an unstructured discussion on mentoring. Discussions are loosely based on the curriculum developed by the National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN) and include the following topics ( but not limited to this... we will go where the discussion takes us) this semester: maintaining effective communication with your mentor, aligning expectations in your mentoring relationship, and how to develop a mentoring team. The discussions are intended to help graduate students strengthen their mentoring relationships with their major professors and other mentors in their academic careers.
What Hats Are You Wearing? Student, Employee, or Researcher? A Survival Guide (in-person)
Students serve in many roles while in graduate school and understanding how those roles can consume your time is critical for making good progress toward your academic and career goals. Dr. Mason will discuss all three roles and give you her perspective on concrete things you can do to be successful in graduate school and how to make it to the finish line while staying sane.
- Dr. Linda Mason, Professor of Entomology
Impostor Syndrome (Virtual)
Part of maturing as a graduate student is finding your voice and the confidence to know that you belong in your academic discipline. Any individual can be impacted by impostor syndrome (IS), but minorities in a field are more susceptible, so addressing this early in your career is important. In this session, we will introduce examples of IS, and the implications it has on mental health and social justice. Quick tips on the power of positive thinking will be given.
- Dr. Linda Mason, Professor of Entomology
Free Professional Development Workshops
To view an always up-to-date schedule of Professional Development workshops, please visit the Office of Graduate Professional Development's workshop enrollment tool, GoSignMeUp.
New to professional development? You’ll need to create an account in GoSignMeUp before registering for a workshop! Click here to access step-by-step instructions for creating your account and registering for workshops.
Grad Student Quotes
"Remember that there is life outside of grad school. That although a large portion of your time will be dedicated to obtaining your degree, you also need time to grow in your hobbies, likes, and other aspects outside of academia."
- Kristos Negron
Ph.D. Student, Chemistry
"Staying healthy is key to success in graduate school. Regular workouts are not only fun but also an effective way to de-stress."
- Connie Muniandy
Ph.D. Alumna, Food Science