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July 9,  2012

Purdue introduces Mitch Daniels as 12th president

mitchdaniels"No institution of any kind means more to Indiana today or tomorrow as Purdue University," Gov. Mitch Daniels said as he became president-elect of the university. "... I can conceive of no other assignment in which a person has the chance to contribute more to building the kind of Indiana of which we dream." Read more ...

Gates praises Purdue research at Morrill Act celebration

At an event marking the 150th anniversary of the Morrill Land Grant Act, Bill Gates praised Purdue researchers for developing a low-cost technology that has increased poor farm family incomes in Africa by more than 25 percent.

"This bag is actually helping lift 10 million people out of poverty," Gates said, while holding up a sample of the innovation at a Washington D.C. ballroom. "Researchers at Purdue University developed this three-layered polyurethane and nylon bag that costs less than $2 and keeps out the weevils."

Gates cited the storage bags, known as Purdue Improved Cowpea Storage, or PICS, as one of the many partnerships the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has with members of the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities. APLU, which sponsored the event, also invited Purdue World Food Prize winner Gebisa Ejeta to speak. Ejeta spoke as part of a panel that included Tom Vilsack, U.S. secretary of agriculture and M.R.C. Greenwood, president of the University of Hawaii. View video clip ...

IPFW's new chancellor returns to her Hoosier roots

Vicky L. Carwein will become Indiana University–Purdue University Fort Wayne's (IPFW) ninth chancellor. Carwein is currently the chancellor at Washington State University Tri-Cities in Richland, Wash. Read more ...

Energy-dense biofuel from cellulose close to being economical

Retention rates leading to better graduation rates (pdf)

Purdue Extension website offers information, resources on drought

500 campers find friends, life lessons through PALS program


Julie Griffith, vice president for public affairs




Purdue Enterprises

Purdue Enterprise Co., a new effort to provide technical consulting for industry, has grown to include faculty and staff from throughout the university. Read more ...

Partners for a healthy Indiana

A new Purdue initiative, conducted with the Indiana Minority Health Coalition, aims to inform blacks about heart health. Read more ..

Introducing Tony Hahn

Tony HahnTony Hahn joined the staff of the Office of Public Affairs as director, state relations and policy analysis. Read more ..