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PURA history: 2002-2003


Officers and Advisor:
President: Betty M. Nelson
Secretary/Treasurer: Michele A. Salla
Past Chair of PACR: Howard Diesslin
Advisor: Kenneth P. Burns

Committee Chairpersons:
Benefits: Charles M. Ehresman
Communications: Barbara G. Doster
Community Service: Betty M. Suddarth
Program: D. Eugene Courtaney
Trips and Tours: Truman G. Martin


Annual Meeting:
Sally Frost Mason, Purdue University Provost was featured speaker at the morning session of PURA’s  annual meeting June 9, 2003, and President Martin  C. Jischke was luncheon speaker.

The master plaque for the Arthur G. Hansen Recognition Award was
hung in the Purdue Memorial Union. 
Committee accomplishments included:
The health benefits plan was renegotiated with Anthem. 
Free flu shots were available to Purdue retirees for the first time.
The director of the Purdue University Pharmacy invited retirees to
use the pharmacy’s services.
A survey was prepared to compare the medical benefits Purdue retirees receive with those received by retirees at other Big Ten and Indiana schools. 
On-going discussions with appropriate personnel involved:
The point system used by the John Purdue Club for season ticket
holders to athletic events, and
The increased cost for annual passes to the Purdue golf courses.

Big Ten Retirees Conference:
 Betty Nelson and Betty Suddarth represented the PURA at the
Big Ten Retirees Conference hosted by The Ohio State University.

A process for updating of the website monthly was established.

Campus Campaign:
Retirees gave $948,300 in 2002 to The Campus Campaign for Purdue.

 Community Service:
  To encourage new retiree participation in PURA , the committee called
all new clerical and service retirees to invite them to the fall kickoff luncheon. The Purdue Alumnus featured an article about retirees and volunteerism. After much discussion, it was decided to keep the Community Service Committee in place.

The retirees’ handbook was updated for distribution at the annual retirement banquet in May.

Kickoff Luncheon:
Two hundred members and guests attended the annual kickoff luncheon in August at the University Inn.  President Martin C. Jischke was the featured speaker.

Monthly meetings, held at MCL, featured a variety of topics presented by engaging speakers.  A listing and description of the programs are included in the materials submitted for filing in the Purdue Archives.

PERF Board:
PUR Association supported Fred Ford’s nomination to serve as a member on the Public Employees Retirement Fund (PERF) Board.

The 2002-2003 year was considered to be a transitional year for the retirees’ organization as it became the Purdue University Retirees Association (PURA).

Spring Fling:
To promote the organization, PURA sponsored a booth at Spring Fling.
Telephone Directory:
For the first time, The Purdue Student/Staff/Retiree Telephone Directory was sent to all retirees.
Trips and Tours:
Fall trips to Turkey Run State Park and the Ernie Pyle State Historic Site; Brown County State Park and the T.C. Steele State Historic Site; and Ivy Hall at  IVTC campus in Lafayette along with spring tours to Bioanalytical Systems, Inc. and the Purdue Cancer Center; the Indiana
State Museum; the Indiana State Capitol during legislative session; Spring Mill State Park; and the Purdue Aquatic Center and the Ross-Ade Stadium pressbox provided much enjoyment for the many retirees and friends.

United Way Campaign:
 Retirees pledged $57,300 to the 2002 United Way Campaign.

More detailed reports, regarding the PUR Association activities and accomplishments during the year beginning June 2002 and concluding May 2003, are filed in the Purdue Archives.

Prepared May 2008 by
Mary Alice Nebold, Historian