Purdue Policy Research Institute

Purdue Policy Research Institute (PPRI) Policy Fellows Program 2017

Call for Applications


TO: All Tenured Purdue West Lafayette Faculty

FROM: S. Laurel Weldon, Director, PPRI; Tomás Díaz de la Rubia, Director, Discovery Park

DATE: May 9, 2016

RE: Purdue Policy Fellows applications due June 15, 2016


Discovery Park will host the Policy Fellows program in 2017. Applications are due June 15, 2016. Those who have an interest in and demonstrated potential for interdisciplinary, policy relevant, high-impact research should apply. Policy Fellows should propose projects on which they would like to work that fit with the mission of PPRI and Discovery Park.

PPRI aims to create a community of faculty, staff and students who put Purdue on the map as the place for interdisciplinary, high-impact research in key areas of strategic focus such as health, energy, food, water, and the environment, as well as the cross-cutting methods/concepts and themes. Some of these themes include big data, complex systems, cybersecurity, and human dimensions. The latter includes a specific focus on policy, diversity and inclusion, and human cognition, and decision-making. PPRI will leverage extant research and stimulate new research to increase the impact of Purdue researchers by 1) catalyzing new discoveries, 2) enhancing the policy influence of Purdue research, and 3) developing interdisciplinary talent in established and emerging strategic areas of focus.   

Policy Fellows should propose an idea for a project on which they would work in PPRI that would further these goals. Projects that accomplish these goals in global grand challenge areas are of particular interest.  Projects can further these goals by focusing on established areas of strategic strength in Discovery Park, or by catalyzing exciting new areas of interdisciplinary strength at Purdue and Discovery Park. 

Policy Fellows will work with PPRI Director Laurel Weldon and DP Director Tomás Díaz de la Rubia for 25-50% of their time for one or two semesters in 2017, though an appointment in AY 2016 could be possible with the permission of the Department Head and Dean.

Application Process: Applications are due June 15, 2016. Please send applications electronically to ppri@purdue.edu with “Policy Fellow Application” as the subject line. The application is to include: 

  1. A one to two page letter outlining a proposal for a project of interest along with a brief summary of the applicant’s relevant expertise and experience. 

  2. Current curriculum vitae. 

  3. Endorsement from the applicant’s department head (or dean if the applicant is a 
department head). An email of support is adequate.