Electronic field trip to be streamed Thursday

September 15, 2010

In an effort to promote and generate interest in science among middle school students, Purdue’s School of Veterinary Medicine, the College of Agriculture and the Discovery Learning Research Center will stream zipTrips live online.

Through these electronic field trips, students can interact with Purdue scientists in real time and learn about science careers and cutting-edge research. More than 4,000 students across the country are registered to participate in the “We’re All Animals” zipTrip.

“We’re All Animals” will stream at 10 a.m. on Thursday (Sept. 16) on mms://video.dis.purdue.edu/zipTrips. ZipTrips, which is supported by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, will air on Indiana public television stations and through videoconferencing.

To register for zipTrips or for more information, visit www.purdue.edu/ziptrips.