Benefits open enrollment will be online this fall

August 16, 2010
For the first time this fall, faculty and staff will complete their annual benefits enrollment online, using a new system that will walk them through the enrollment process step by step.
The system will provide employees with a confirmation statement instantly when they finish entering their enrollment. If employees change their mind anytime during the open enrollment period, they will be able to sign on to the system again, make changes, and have a new confirmation statement affirming the choices.
Beyond open enrollment, the new online system will help plan participants keep their benefits coverage up-to-date. The system will be used to revise benefits in response to any change in family status situation during the year.
"We think employees will really like the convenience of the online system," says Cory Melchi, benefits manager in Staff Benefits. The system will be available around the clock to serve on the employee's timetable.
Acknowledging that anything new takes some getting used to, Melchi says Staff Benefits is preparing to help employees learn and use the new system. "We'll have lots of help available this fall," says Melchi. "Everyone -- on every work shift, on every campus -- should be able to connect with any assistance they need for a smooth introduction to online benefits enrollment at Purdue." 
More information will be provided as enrollment nears this fall.