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Records - Evidentiary

University records which involve or are related to any known or anticipated claim, liability, dispute, investigation, grievance, complaint, audit, and/or litigation.

Records - Public

See University records.

Records - University

Any writing, paper, report, study, map, photograph, book, card, tape recording, or other material that is created, received, retained, maintained, or filed by or with the University, which is generated on paper, paper substitutes, photographic media, chemically based media, magnetic or machine readable media, electronically stored data, or any other material, regardless of form or characteristics. All University records are public records.

Records Coordinator / Records Liaison Officer

Individuals responsible for implementing record retention and disposal policies and procedures for their organizational unit or campus.  For a detailed list of Records Coordinators and their responsibilities see the Records Retention page.

Records Retention Schedule

Identifies the categories of records that employees create during the normal course of business, as well as, the amount of time which these records must be maintained to meet both legal and business requirements.